Title Can Be Complicated. These Terms Can Help You Understand It Further

Title to property is the reference either to a legal interest or equitable interest in the property. For real property, land registration and recording provide public notice of ownership information.

What is title?

Defects in Title

Items which may present problems with respect to having clear title. Clear title would be a title with no questions or encumbrances as relating to ownership. This can be a problem down the road if you decide to sell your interest if not taken care of.

Marketable Title

Title that is free from reasonable doubt or any court of threat of litigation. Marketable title can be transferred to a new owner without the likelihood that claims will be made on it by another party.

Title Curative

This is a process that clears a title or straightens out any defects in the chain of title (ownership history), which includes correcting instruments and reconciling title with the use and possession of land. A title search is generally part of a buyer’s due diligence in the process of purchasing either the surface or the mineral estate.

A document detailing evidence of title through title reports written up by title insurance companies, which show the history of title as determined by the recorded public record deeds.

Title Opinion

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